
The Action and Direction of Good Time by Jared Watson

Josh and Benny Safdie have been making low budget films in New York for over ten years, mostly in and around Queens and Manhattan. They’ve been known to just use random people on the streets as their actors. In 2014, they released a movie based on a book written by Arielle Holmes, about her real life as a homeless heroin addict entitled Heaven Knows What. They cast Arielle herself to play the lead. It’s a fantastic film this critic highly recommends, however this piece is about another movie all together.

After the release of Heaven Knows What, the Safdie Brothers received a very strange email, described as being romantic and psychotic in nature. The email informs the brothers of fate, that the author of said letter absolutely had to work with them on whatever the next film was that they had in the works. He was so incredibly inspired by a still shot he saw from Heaven Knows What, not even seeing the film itself, but just the one still. He was struck by destiny, and that his purpose was now intertwined with the purpose of the two brothers.

Josh didn’t immediately respond to the email, thinking that this particular actor didn’t really fit the mold for the project he was working on. He was then informed by his producer that he should write back, because this actor was doing some really cool stuff. Josh took his advice, and the professional relationship started between The Safdie Brothers and Robert Pattinson.

Considering that Josh was having trouble seeing Pattinson as the character he was writing, he had him write Benny emails, but as the character of Connie writing letters to his brother Nick. Benny would then respond to those emails as Nick. Robert would have to learn the character of Nick by figuring out how to talk to him, seeing as certain things he said would upset him. The three then proceeded to develop the character of Connie Nikas by developing his entire backstory, creating patterns in which he would act.

They originally wanted to cast someone with a developmental disability to play Nick, however with a busy and frantic film schedule, they felt that it might cause the actor too much stress. They felt it would be unethical and cruel. Having Benny play around with this exact character before, they knew that he could do it, and that he could do it well.

They proceeded to film a movie about Connie (Pattinson) a man who just can’t seem to keep out of trouble. After getting his brother Nick (Benny Safdie) arrested, Connie stops at nothing to get him back out again, even if that means filling up his rap sheet. The film features Jennifer Jason Leigh as Connie’s girlfriend, and an absolutely stellar breakout performance from Buddy Duress. This critic does not like to gush, so just go watch the damn movie already!

Jared Watson is a moviemaker, writer, and avid cinefile. Check out his work:

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